Intold stories of the er season 11
Intold stories of the er season 11

Well…here is an aMERICAN director, story-teller and historian, who has been in Viet-Nam and has the intelligence to honestly call out his own government and people to document the abuse this country has cast upon the worlds people for decade after decade. The media brainwashing is the real surprise here.Even when the real truth escapes… the people are incapable of believing it. taught to ‘fit in’, yes, to fit in at all costs, do not question authority…… do not make waves…… it’s all madness I tell you.Ĭould NOT have said it better myself… this aMERICA is and has always been the real Terrorist country for the last century. Ever notice that children are never taught anthropology or economics, or mythology? We’re brainwashed from birth by parents and everyone else…. Only later did I learn that by cutting the tie between our money and gold could the bankers put our entire country in debt trillions of dollars…. I remember well what I saw and experienced as I traveled the world back then, as when I first worked in Sicily in 1964 and saw ‘Get out of Vietnam’ painted on walls and buildings. Perhaps we’ll know shortly as recent changes in climate patterns suggest that our megalomanical desire to consume every drop of the planet’s oil to support this ‘civilization’ we’ve created may just ‘turn up the heat’ on us all, the blessed as well as the cursed……. What a disgrace, as the world’s poor suffer from such ignorance and deception, yes, the ignorance and deception of the United States Government, while its’ citizens are constantly bombarded with new toys and gimmicks to blind us from reality. Military bases in every country…… Thank you Oliver Stone, for reminding Americans that their government thugs are no different than any other thugs of the world, so everyone please open your eyes and stop selling out to the morons who get elected. and we knew it all back then, we knew what Nixon and Johnson and all the other idiots, going back to Eisenhower, were doing, how do you hide genocide and such blatant aggression all over the planet. No, it’s not new to me, I lived through it all, I’m 80 now ….

intold stories of the er season 11

indeed! And I’ve been watching this all night. “No official apology has ever been issued by the United States.” So the film says at minute 50 in episode 9 or 10….

  • Chapter 10: Bush & Obama – Age of Terror.
  • Chapter 9: Bush & Clinton – Squandered Peace and New World Order.
  • Chapter 8: Reagan, Gorbachev & Third World – Rise of the Right.
  • Chapter 7: Johnson, Nixon & Vietnam: Reversal of Fortune.
  • Chapter 5: The 50s – Eisenhower, the Bomb & the Third World.
  • intold stories of the er season 11

    Chapter 2: Roosevelt, Truman and Wallace.

    intold stories of the er season 11

    Prologue: Chapter A – World War I, the Russian Revolution & Woodrow Wilson.

    intold stories of the er season 11

  • Prologue: Chapter B – 1920-1940, Franklin D.Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.
  • In any case it is important to keep an open mind and stick with it as the truth, uncomfortable as it can be, can teach us important things about the world and ourselves. This film may be hard for many people to watch, some will feel they have been lied to by mainstream media and others will feel outraged by Stone’s audacity in challenging their patriotic vision of America. In layman terms, the United States were not always the “good guys” they made themselves out to be and the “bad guys” were sometimes made worse as a direct result of how they were treated. Stone shines a light on many important facts of modern history which have not necessarily been suppressed in anyway but rather conveniently forgotten in favour of more dressed up / politically correct versions of what actually happened.


    The series is an uncompromising examination of the history of the United States, it provides us with a crucial counter-point to the tendency towards self-congratulation with regards to ones own historical past. The Untold History of the United States is a 12 part documentary series which was directed, produced and narrated by Academy Award winning writer/director Oliver Stone.

    Intold stories of the er season 11